Saturday, July 14, 2007

Fete Nationale

Hey Julie and Sheri....see the Arc in the background. Yep, that was what I was looking at when I called the church office from Paris, France just to say "Bon Jour."

This is a pic of the Champs Elysees in Paris, France. Did you hear that? PARIS, FRANCE!! Today is July 14, Bastille Day. The details would probably bore you but it is close to our Independance Day. Lots of national celebration, lots of fireworks, parades, lots and lots and lots of French National Pride. I have been to France on Bastille Day and it is quite exciting.

Yep, that's the beloved Eiffel Tower all sparkly and festive. Arrrghghhhh I would love to be there.

Here is the kicker. My sister in law is there right now. Right now as I type this I bet Jacqueline is enjoying a loaf of french bread, some great smelly cheese and of course, a glass of...well, I am not sure what it would be but I am darn sure she is enjoying herself immensely today. And, she gets to be with Lenny's side of the family today.

Wwwhhhhhaaaaaa I am sooooo jealous.


christy p said...

I am jealous too!!! I have never been there. Double Waaaa!

DonnaG said...

I will take you there. Can you leave the kids with HH for a week or so?????? Can you imagine us in Paris together? Yiippepeeee bring on the fun!!!!

Carmela said...

Why, oh why did you have to post these pictures??!! I SO want to be there. Seeing the pictures just brings on this longing to go back and experience a little bit of their daily life ... *sigh*

DonnaG said...

Carmela....I am sooo with you. I have been sighing all day long. Whhhaaaaaaa .

Carmela said...

BTW, about my house, you just HAD to rain on my "mess parade," didn't you! You have to be the best at everything--even messy houses. JUST KIDDING!