Friday, November 16, 2007

The Dash Between the Dates

Our girl turned 7 yesterday. I will not bore you will the mantra of "I can not believe how old she is getting", or "they grow us so fast, don't they?". And, while I do sometimes ponder/anguish over the speed of life, I do not wonder how it all happened. It is simply time and it is on the fast track to eternity so I need to grab a hold and relish every minute of what I can catch.

Sarah is 7. It is funny how the night before her birthday, she pranced around the house telling everyone that "tonight is my last night of being 6" and that we should have be aware of the monumental event about to happen the next day. I looked at her and thought, "she's right!" She is never ever going to be 6 again. Not a too big of a deal I suppose in the grand scheme of life but to her, HUGE!!!!!

It always makes me chuckle when I think of the abandon that kids display when telling of their age. They will quickly add a "and a half" to any whole year of living they have while I, on the other hand, will groan when thinking of my illustrious 38 years. Why???

While there are many rhymes and reasons to that reaction, I believe for me, it always comes back to how well have I lived my life? Did I use my time here in a positive, upbeat and glorifying-to-God manner, or have I flushed my colorful years down the pooper? Honestly, and sadly too, I have not always made the most of my time.

A few years ago, a we had an amazing speaker come to our church. His name is Monty Hipp. His message was entitled "The Dash Between the Dates." He emphasized that our whole life matters more in that dash than the two dates listed on either side of it. Lenny and I still talk about what he said that night. Then this morning, Jacob had a grammar test. It is all about the encyclopedia and how to use one. One of the questions was regarding what the dates mean that are listed right after the title of entry (if it is a person). Years of birth and death, right? I circled the dash and told him that the dash represented the years of the persons life - everything a person does is in that dash. That dash matters. Make the dash a great dash.

He got what I was saying but couldn't understand why I was getting so emotional about it.

Ok, rambling over! I promise. I would love to say that Sarah taught me a wonderful lesson yesterday. But the truth is, I will have to work hard at being diligent and upbeat. Neither attribute are natural for me.