Thursday, December 7, 2006

Speaking UP!

Rude people are RUDE!!!

One of my pet peeves is rudeness. It bugs me when people don't say please or thank you, excuse me, etc. I can, however, shrug it off sometimes. I chalk it up to them having a bad day or something of the sort. BUT...when people are overtly rude to the point that it will inconvenience another person....that really irks me. Like when someone litters is an example. If person A chooses to litter, someone else is going to have to pick it up. Their rude actions will affect another person in some way. Today I had something like that happen.

This afternoon I was pulling into the 7-11 parking lot and noticed that it was packed. Very unusual for my favorite little place, but nonetheless I figured that I would get a spot. So I see one about halfway down the lot. I swiftly try to get in and realize that a big black Chevrolet truck it taking up one spot and about 1/4 of the empty spot.

OOOOOhhhhh I was so mad. The lot is packed and this guy/gal decided that his filty dirty-not-so-new-dinged-up truck needs two spots. So guess what I do! I fold in my side mirror and I carefully squeeze my big Astro Van in right next to him/her. I am completely in my own spot not infringing on any other vehicle.

I was able to get out and I knew that he/she would be able to get in. I go into the store, pour my diet coke and get in line. By now the only other customer in the store is the guy right in front of me using his debit card.

I decide to broach the subject. I was absolutely kind and spoke to this man respectfully.

"Is that your black Chevy truck out there?"
"Yes" defiantly
"Do you realize that you are taking two spots to park your truck?"
"Yes" even more defiant
"It's a little rude to do that, especially when the lot is completely full". I know, I know, that doesn't sound very kind in TYPE, but in PERSON it was.
"I just wanted you to know that it made it difficult for me to park my van"
"Yeah well that delivery truck over there made it difficult for me to park my truck"

"Ok" What was I going to do? Beat remorse out of him?

So he finishes his transaction and walks to the door. He gets outside but holds the door open and yells at me "don't sweat the small stuff" and runs to his car.

By then he realizes that my van is so close to his truck that he has to work to get in the driver's door. I am standing there watching the whole thing, waiting so I can get into my van.

He is seething mad. I just stood there smiling, not a Cheshire Cat smile, but just with a pleasant and patient countenance. He drove away and ran over the curb he was in such a hurry to get out of there.

What would you have done? Would you say something to someone? Or would you..........?


christy p said...

Nah...I probably wouldn't have said anything...but admire that you did! You get 'em girl!

MLasch said...

That took guts. Good for you!

Debbie said...

It sounds like a domino affect - he had trouble parking which can cause the whole row of cars to be off - over the line, etc. He even said that to you. Instead of watching him struggle, you should have got into your van - since you were able to get out - and kindly back up so he could maneuver out. Since he began your conversation with sarcasm, you just added to it by standing there watching him struggle. Looks like I'm alone on this one...but you did ask for opinions!

DonnaG said...

Well actually, all of the other cars were parked in their own spots. He was the only one who took two spots. And, the delivery truck was really nowhere near him. And, I would have moved had I been the first out there. I would have gladly moved first, however he wouldn't let me.

And I know it sounds like I was being sarcastic, I know I know. But I really really REALLY was not being sarcastic. Really I wasn't.

I did ask for opinions. I didn't want to post this one, but I asked for it. Thanks for being honest.