Thursday, January 11, 2007

I miss him already

This morning Lenny left for work. His normal shift is a 24-hour shift. This is one of the aspects that I don't like/like about being married to a fireman. I don't like it because he is gone until the next day. No dinner with him, kids can't kiss him goodnight. He is simply not here in the evenings...or the mornings. We miss many special days together such as birthdays, Christmas, etc. I DO like the schedule because when he is home...he is home for 24 hours, not just a few hours in the evening. He is home all day, can pick the kids up at school, see their friends, teacher and school life. He is rested and ready for them by the end of the school day. He and I get time together during the school hours. That is usually when we have our dates.

And, one of the "curses" of the schedule - extra shifts. So that makes a 24-hour shift usually into a 48-hour or more shift. Such is the case today. Today (Thursday) is normal workday and Saturday is normal. BUT tomorrow he is working an extra shift. Which means this.....he is working a 72. He will get off of work on SUNDAY morning. Last night, he pulled out a shirt. He said he was getting his church clothes together. Whhhattt?????? Today is Wednesday I tell myself. He is getting ready to go to work for a few days and leave Sunday morning. So all of you church friends that read this, when you see him come into church that morning, that will be the first time I see him too in 3 days.

All of that blah blah blah to say ... I miss him already and he has only been gone for 45 minutes. His shift hasn't even started yet...8:00am. whhhaaaaa.


tjep said...

"...Place me like a seal over your heart,like a seal on your arm.
For love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. Love flashes like fire, the brightest kind of flame."
Song Of Solomon 8:6