Saturday, March 3, 2007

betcha didn't know

One of my most favorite blogs to visit is Christy's. Ok, probably not a surprise. She always has something cool on hers. Today she has a "Betcha Didn't Know" post of 6 things. She asked for others to do the same. So here goes my list. By the way, I am really digging the list thing. I have thought of a few other titles to lists that I am going to do.

I bet you didn't know this about me....

1. I DO NOT like chocolate. I don't hate it and I do have it sometimes but it usually disappoints me and I wind up wishing I ordered something else.

2. I am a complete language freak. I love language arts, sentence structure, the names of all of the parts of speech, blah blah blah. Drives my family crazy when I walk around correcting them. I have a BA in Spanish. Many of the courses that I had to take were based on language structure and how language works. It absolutely fascinated me and still does. In fact, the other morning I was helping in Jacob's class. The teacher asked the class what the articles were called. I blurt out from my corner "a, an, the." Thankfully, I wasn't too disruptive so she asked me back for the next Friday. But, yesterday, I did it again. Only this time it was about conjunctions.

3. I am very insecure. I constantly question my abilities as a mother, wife, being saved, as a friend. It is very taxing and exhausting.

4. I can burp louder than most men. Ok, probably not a total surprise to some of you.

5. I cry sometimes because I miss my mother/having a mother around. I think probably because I am a mother now. Before my own kids came along, I was a different person. Now, I see her differently and on a whole new level. I miss her so much it hurts.

6. I was in marching band in High School. Yes, I was a complete band dork with the huge black Shako on my head. Played the flute. And it was the best time of my life. Except for the perverted band director my junior year who tried to ...... me. I told on him and he was fired. I know I have some very embarrassing pictures of me in band but I can not find them. This is the best I can come up with. When I find the completely obnoxius ones, I will post them. I am on the right with my friend Michelle on the left. What I can not get over is how flat my tum is. And look at the coat. It actually INVERTS. Wow, I am, or was, a hottie.

Ok, so I am going to put a #7 here. I have been skydiving. That's me with the instructor in tandem. Looks a little inappropriate him and I, but he was there for my safety.

So, either comment or post this same list on your blog. Leave your address so we can all check it out.


christy p said...

Oh My Gosh...HOW FUN! I knew about the chocolate and burp ones...but the rest were new tidbits! NEVER would have guessed you skydived. Wow. You dare devil you...... :)

Lori said...

Great list Donna. I'm with you... not a big chocolate fan. I took your challenge and posted my list on my blog. It was hard to think of 6 things!

tjep said...

What a great way to get to know someone! How interesting that you are insecure, I would have thought the opposite.
I do love the lists. I'll be posting that list on my blog soon!

Debbie said...

Tina - put the link to your blog here so I can lurk on yours too!

tjep said...

Hi Debbie- My link is! Please visit!

Oh Donna... Greg said, " I would have gladly beaten up that band director for you! NO ONE MESSES WITH MY SISTER!"