Thursday, April 5, 2007

I am still here

Hello All: I am still here but I am in a complete bloggout. Blog Funk, dry spell, not much to say. Call it what you will but I am quiet. Lots happening here...too much almost that I am somewhat overwhelmed with trying to blog about it. Blahhhhhhhh. Will catch ya later.


christy p said...

Donna, you are KILLING need to find your happy place-blog-spot and tell your stories. Have a fabulous Easter!

MLasch said...

I miss you! You are the best storyteller! Maybe after the heckticness (is that a word) of Easter, you will be inspired!

Lori said...

So you're bloggin in your mind? I've done that before! I do love your stories too.

christy p said...

ummmm...STILL nothing? Zilch? Notta? Boo...You gotta have SOMETHING!

tjep said...

The dreaded blog pit...I've been there! No worries, I know you'll have lots to say soon. Thanks for your comments on my blog!