This morning, AS I WAS BEGINNING THIS POST, I smelled this "burning" smell. Hmmmm, I wonder.
I go into the kitchen and there is a small little teeny little fire in the toaster oven.
I had preheated the oven to bake some little quiches for Sarah's breakfast. It was early, much too early for her to be getting up (she still has 15 more minutes to sleep right now) so I thought I would come over and blog a bit. I got so in to uploading the following carpet pics that I did not realize that there was a 6 day old piece of toast in the toaster oven. It had been cooking while the oven was heating up and while I was sittng on my rear writing to you.
Crisis averted and everything is fine.
But, the quiches are cooking at this very moment so..... I will let you know if I burn the kitchen down.
Anyhooooo, remember the carpet pictures from last week? I thought we would be getting new carpet yesterday. I am sure you have guessed that the carpet is not here. Ron, the fabulous carpet dude, called me the day before and said that the mill in Georgia hasn't even started our order. Hmmmmm. Does he realize what my current carpet looks like? I tried to tell him that we had writing all over the carpet but, for some reason, my pleading did not make the carpet magically appear. I wish my kids would realize that when they beg for something.
So, what do I do? Laugh about it, and tell the kids to do more grafitti. And, when Jacob has his birthday party this weekend, we are going to let his class scribble all over it. Cool mom or just weird?
Cool mom....definitely cool.
I get sidetracked as well while worries!
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