Thursday, August 30, 2007

When are people gonna get it?

I just read this story on the net. Basically, it says that children who were exposed to second hand smoke in childhood are more likely to miscarry their own children.

Here is my question: How many studies will it take for people to realize that smoking is just all around bad for them?

We have a son who has mild asthma. It is not as bad as it could be and thankfully, it manifests only during illness or the spring. But, when he is around smokers, I have noticed that he starts to breathe laboriously. It makes me mad that my 9-year old child has to suffer because of someone's bad choice.

Read the story for yourself here!


tjep said...

I agree with that, not to mention, premature wrinkles, stained teeth and fingers, loss of taste, tobacco breath, time spent having to get away to smoke and wasting about $5 a pack!!!