Saturday, September 1, 2007

Garage Clean Up

You know when you need to do something and you just keep putting it off? Well, we are no different. We have a garage that desperately needed to be organized. Mostly it just needed it's contents to be thrown away, but Lenny is not given to throwing much out. So, as compromise, we consolidated, organized and yes, in the end, threw out or donated many things. It was an awesome feeling to tackle it head on together and get it done. Even Jacob and Sarah did their part.

I am constantly amazed and how much stuff we have in our lives. Not just in the garage or in the house, but in our heads and hearts. And, sadly most of that stuff is not worth holding on to. It is just clutter. Looking at the contents of the garage really made me think about my life. How I tend to hold on to things that are just taking up room and creating chaos and anxiety instead of peace and calm.
Take a look at how much paint I have. This drives my husband nuts. I love paint. I love to paint crafts and do cool things to the walls in my house. But that kind of project takes at least three different cans of something...two paint colors and one can of glaze. Then I decide to change the color and there goes another two cans of paint. Yep, I like paint. If you need any, come by and take some!

At the end of the day, we got it all cleaned out and looking pretty good.

Even got the Black Pearl into it's new home! Yea!!!!!!


christy p said...

Good for you guys. Maybe Dale and I can be inspired now to tackle our garage. As for your extra paint can call your local high school drama department. They LOVE to take them to paint their sets. :)

tjep said...

Wow! Good for you! You should see our garage! I know we need to clean it out but we keep putting off the pain! I see in the last pic you've held onto Jack! :)

Carmela said...

You are SOOO much braver than I am! I took advantage of Carlito going to the Philippines for three weeks in February and cleaned out our garage (i.e. donated and dumped tons of stuff). Feels so good, doesn't it?

But I took exactly 0 pictures because the garage was HORRENDOUS. It's starting to look bad again, so I need to clean it out when the kids go to school.

Rhonda said...

Yay Gisberts!!! I hate cleaning the garage. Right now our garage is empty. We will see how long that lasts huh? Today we started painting the interior of our new house. I took some before pictures to post. I will try to get them up soon.

Christy said...

Can you come do our garage next? I will even take some of that paint off your hands in exchange! :)Hope your week is a good one and your Labor day safe.

Christy said...

did your husband seel you at a garage sale or something? Where did you go? :) I need some new posts of crazy stuff to make my house seem normal! :)