Friday, April 4, 2008

Luke 12:7
Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

I have read this verse many times. And many times I have taken comfort in it's promise that if a teeny bird matters to God, then surely I matter immensely to the Lord.

Today, I have taken a new comfort in that verse. I am so very grateful that I am more precious that a sparrow.

Take a looksie.....
Yep those are bird feathers - IN THE DINING ROOM. We were getting ready to leave for school when Jacob screams for me to "come look at what is happening!" I walk into the dining room to see that a sparrow has flown into the kitchen and is caught between the window and the blinds.
I hope it just flies outside without having to touch it, I think.
In less than a microsecond of thinking that, Jack comes flying into the kitchen, immediately goes into hunting dog mode and proceeds to PULVERIZE the little chick right in front of our eyes. He is caught in the blinds, the bird is flapping like crazy and SQUEAKING for help, Jack's tail is wagging in hyperspeed and Jacob and Sarah are screaming at him to stop. Feathers are flying!
He jumps down with the bird still in his mouth and takes off outside. This is what is left of the bird. We chase after Jack to make sure he does not eat the bird. He didn't but he did have about 10 feathers stuck on his tongue.

Jacob and I give it a proper burial by sweeping it into a Cheerio's box and throwing it in the trash can. Sarah is freaking out, Jacob is laughing uncontrollably, anxious to get to school to tell "every boy I know" about the mishap.

Me, I just marvel at how these things always seem to happen at our house.


Rhonda said...

I am laughing out loud. You should have had the video camera out for that one.

Christy said...

ohhh man, see there is a reason God does not people like you and me next door to each other. That sounds like MY house. ;) Well, you've been reading my blog long enough to know its true. Poor bird.

Lori said...

Our old dog Lucy found a dead bird in the yard and decided to pick it up with her mouth and head for the house. I can handle a lot of gross things, but that had me screaming and running around the yard chasing that dumb dog. She probably thought I was nuts! YuK! Thank goodness Alvin was home.