Thursday, April 3, 2008

You Had Better Behave

If you don't behave around here, you never know to where you might be banned.

Jacob having to stand in the corner of the closet.

Jack, after barking too much, was sent to the opening for the new bathroom mirror.

And Sarah, for talking back to her teacher... she got the worst of it. She was expelled to the dog crate. That'll teach her!

Ok, I sure hope that you all realize that this is a joke. Although we are completely off the deep end in our joking, we would never put our child in a dog crate (and then show pictures of it, too!).

Jacob and Sarah were both told by their pediatrician that their expected height would not be on the tall side. 5'2" for Sarah and 5'8" for Jacob. While they can not really comprehend how tall or not tall that really is, they like to complain that they are little. They even complain about the dog being a little dog.

We keep telling them that being shorter/littler/smaller is by far better than being big. They can fit into anything. Hence, the fun pics. They will one day look back at these pics and wish they were this small again.



Christy said...

you mean you DONT put them in dog crates? shoot, I better go get Ryanne out of ours then! ;) KIDDING! Cute photos though. Tell Sara its ok to be small; you just do what I did and go marry a 6'6" fireman! :) Makes up for it somehow. :)

Carmela said...

I wasn't worried ... they were smiling too much to actually look like they were being punished :)

The one with Sarah in the dog crate is too cute!!

I keep telling Ashley the same thing, and she was very content (and even proud of it) until recently ... when all her friends were about 6 inches taller than her (no joke).

Rhonda said...

Its just a belated April Fool's blog. Cute pictures! I love the one of Jack.