Wednesday, May 28, 2008

10 Years Ago TODAY

Oh boy am I feeling sentimental today. May 28, 2008

10 years ago today, May 28, 1998, I graduated from CSULB. What makes this day so memorable, besides the obvious, is that I was also one week overdue in delivering my first child. I didn't think I would make it to the ceremony. I thought that I would be home with a newborn. I prayed to God to please make a way to get me to commencement.

It took me 11 years to get a 4 year degree. It was not easy and I wanted that cap and gown. I wanted my baby but I also wanted to participate with my friends in graduation.

God is soooo good. He really is. He knew that I needed it. I needed to be there. I needed to prove to myself something.

I was there. All 41 weeks of my pregnancy in amazingly hot morning weather, black gown that was sticking to my sweaty back. It didn't matter. I was graduating.

Notice the top of my feet pouring out of my shoe straps. They hurt like crazy and we hadn't even left our house yet.

It was awesome!

That's my mother with us. She died less than two years later.

23 hours later Jacob was born. God knew. He has impeccable timing.


christy p said...

Wow. GOOD for YOU, Donna. I certainly know how that feels...(not being pregnant for 41 weeks) but WANTING to graduate. When I graduated from CSULB in 1992 I had a one year old. You should be very proud of yourself!!! Love the photo of you, lenny and your mom.