Thursday, May 15, 2008

I am deeply saddened

I just read this and my heart sank.

Please do not get me wrong. I am not a bigot, a hater, a homophobe, narrow minded, cruel or insensitive. If anything, PEOPLE matter to me, ALL PEOPLE. But the desires of a few, minority few, are overriding the majority. A majority that still has a sense morality.

God help this state, PLEASE!


Sheri Leming said...

Earthquakes, cyclones, hurricanes, even ants...wonder which one is going to happen in California before repentance takes place?!? Makes me think of the book of Judges, especially 17:6, "In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit."

Rhonda said...

I just don't get our system. What IS the point of voting if my vote doesn't matter anyways?

DonnaG said...

Sheri: I just read that passage about two weeks ago. I thought of exactly that when I was writing this post.

Rhonda: We passed prop 22 8 years ago. Why do we always have to go through this? Frustrating

Christy said...

heartbreaking to say the least. I was so sad that the covenant of marriage that my Lord created and cherishes is being rolled over. Thats ok, because like I tell my kids, we just have to keep going back to our roots and one day he will take us to our final permenant home.