Friday, July 4, 2008

Big Sur

Please Beware: Lots of pictures.

Our annual trek to Big Sur this year was once again, fabulous. Seriously people, I don't like to get dirty, I do not like bugs and I despise the heat. This particular trip seemed to have all three of those elements over and above what is normal for this place. But nonetheless, it was stunningly wonderful.

We always stop on our way up to visit with Aunt Sandra and Uncle Cecil. Sandra is my mother's baby sister. She looks a lot like my mom, except shorter. I love spending time with them because it feels like home when I am with them. Feels good!

This is Andrew, my cousin's almost 20 year old son. Jacob likes Andrew because he skateboards. I like him because his very cool, very nice and always says something funny. He is a college student, working parttime for his gramps and enjoying life. Cool Kid.So right now as I am typing this, this very campground has been evacuated for the past two weeks. The whole town is desolate with the exception of all of those heros in yellow turnouts fighting the fire there. Makes me sad.One of our most favorite things to do in this campground is to hike. Pfeiffer has some great trails that are not too difficult for the kids and the unexercised and faint of heart (me). We always pack a few snacks and head out to see Pfeiffer Falls or a magnificent view of the ocean.

This year, however, we opted to do a few hikes through the river gorge. It is over a ton of rocks, through many puddles, pools and streams, and up to this incredible swimming hole. This pool is as far as I got.
In order to get to the other side, you have to swim through this to keep going. I was not willing to do that. But Jacob was and so was Lenny. If you look at the top of the rock you might be able to see them standing there. I was surprised that Jacob made it that far. Here he is coming back. Our favorite jumping rock right across from site #10. The water is lower this year. It was kind of unsettling seeing how low everything was and especially, how dry. Little did we know that the next week, FIRE DANGER. Kind of a weird pic of trees but you have to know what Big Sur is like to appreciate this. There are so many trees, BIG TREES. And most of the time, you are in great shade. The trees are so dense that if the sun is not directly on you, you might think that is was later that usual.
What we did most of the time...besides eating. The back of our campsite. Yep it's that big and spacious. Fabulous. I love this picture because it shows us having fun. But golly, I hate it of me. Train those kids well and they will do the dishes for you. Not for you, I mean, for me. I love have child labor. Makes my job so much easier. This place is infested with squirrels and Blue Jays that are not at all afraid of people. In fact, several times we had to shoo them away from us or they would have crawled into our laps. Well, maybe not into our laps but they were about a 6 inches away from us. Especially when food is around, they swarm. Most of the time it is fascinating to watch. Sometimes it gets a bit creepy.
Jacob put a small tomato piece on his shoe. In no time whatsoever a squirrel scampered over and started at the shoe buffet. He didn't take it and run. He stayed and finished it. We met the nicest couple ever camping next to us. Paul and Nancy are from Humboldt county (on fire too by the way). Paul was strumming on the guitar one evening and Nancy was singing along. It was the neatest thing to hear. So we made brownies the next day and gave them a few. We told them how nice it was to hear them sing. One night they came to our campfire and we all sang together. Totally cool and so much fun. He even let Jacob strum a bit.
Just love this one. No caption. Just love it.

I love owning a trailer. Especially this one. It is small and compact when driving and storing. Yet when camping, three beds expand out and increase the length by another 6 feet and the width by another 4. Awesome piece of equipment. On this trip, I found another reason why I love having a trailer.

When we had to go potty on a long stretch of highway, we just pulled over and let go. Got back in the truck and went on our way. No stopping, no looking for parking and no hassles. It's the little things that make me happy.

I hope you all have a wonderful summer and get to go somewhere. Even if it just to the beach, go somewhere and enjoy these next two months.

I am hoping and praying for Big Sur. Not just for the campground but for the all of the people, the places and the charm that has made us feel so comfortable over the past 6 years.

And for the firemen.... I love ya all and I thank you for all that you do.


Christy said...

I know I am holding my breath for Big Sur because we are headed up there in a few weeks. I hope we can still go and show the girls the beauty. I REALLY enjoyed all of your photos. So neat that you loved on the people next to you while camping; great testimony of who God is. You go girl!

Melanie said...

My grandparents had a great motorhome when I was a kid. One year when we were on furlough, we criss-crossed America in it. For a 10-year old, it was nothing short of awesome. I have such great memories of it that I would love nothing more than to get one to vacation in with our family. Good for you and Lenny. You are building memories that will last a lifetime and, perhaps more importantly, prioritizing your family. Apart from Christ, that is perhaps the richest legacy you can leave your kids.

Melanie said...

And I cannot believe how much Aunt Sandra looks like your mom!

christy p said...

Those are great photos...and great memories!

Kim said...

Loved looking at all your pictures and the great time you all had. Love the new trailer too. Have a great summer.

Christy said...

heeellooooo, where the heck did you go? You better have some photos to show for it. ;)

Melanie said...

Hey Donna, we’re in town this week for Joy’s wedding. I’d love to come down and see you and Lenny and Jacob and Sarah, but I’d like to bring my brood with me if you think you can stand the Freshour crazy. We have a packed schedule due to our entire extended family being here, so our availability is ridiculously limited. By chance are you guys even home this week and if so, would Thursday morning work?

And so sorry about doing this via blog. I tried what I thought was your aol email address but it was sent back to me.