Tuesday, September 9, 2008

This might get me fired!

I have been teaching for a total of 4 days now and already I believe that I have the makings of an ongoing list of incomprehensible things that I have said or done. Each of these days, I have done something that quite possibly could be taken the wrong way. Now, in all honesty, if it were my child in the classroom and he came home telling me tales of what the teacher said, I would probably laugh. But then again, I am crazy that way.

I believe my list shall be titled "This Might Get Me Fired."

Today, while taking roll, I heard one of the boys laughing. I knew it didn't have anything to do with me, but in the spirit of razzing him, I said, "Are you making fun of me?" He quickly replied that no, he wasn't making fun of me because he loves me. Now I KNEW that he meant it in an endearing way, not creepy or anything like that. BUT..... I replied,

"Oh (student), I am sorry. I am married. It would never work between us."

And the entire class fell over laughing at this one.

Then later, another student asks to use the restroom. I reply, "Number one or two?" and look at him with every ounce of seriousness that I can muster. He quizzically stares then replies "Uh, number one."

"Ok then you may go."



Debbie said...

You are going to have to post every day you teach and tell us what you said - too funny. Can I come sit in the back of the classroom on parent/teacher night, it might be fun!!! I wonder if Teacher Lori Velarde ever said anything like that!? :o)

christy p said...

Oh My Gosh...TOO FUNNY.

Christy said...

oopppss! You can tell you have kids at home. SOOOO why I couldnt teach. Shoot, they barely want me at church classes! ;)