Thursday, February 15, 2007

I love these things....

I regularly visit Christy Platt's blog. I saw this morning that she had posted 50 things that she loves. She challenged me to do the same. Here it is. And, now I challenge you to do it too.

  1. My relationship with Jesus Christ
  2. My hottie husband Lenny (wow do I love him)
  3. Jacob and Sarah. I would list them separately but I love them just the same.
  4. Family members
  5. worship music
  6. Great friends like Debbie and Cheryl
  7. Anything French
  8. Valentine's Day
  9. when I "get it" while reading the Bible
  10. my cute little house
  11. borrowing/lending emergency dinner ingredients with Cheryl
  12. 7-11
  13. Diet Coke from a fountain with ice
  14. when Lenny surprises me with a Big Gulp of Diet Coke from 7-11
  15. new kitchen
  16. yellow walls with red furniture
  17. an amazing cup of coffee
  18. dates with Lenny...esp when he plans them
  19. family camping at the beach
  20. Lenny's big strong hands
  21. Lenny's job
  22. cooking
  23. scrapbooking/crafts
  24. Pirates of the Caribbean
  25. Captain Jack Sparrow (from Pirates and our dog)
  26. Grease
  27. pedicures with the extra 10 minute massage
  28. laughing with girlfriends
  29. getting a weekend away
  30. hotels and jumping on the beds
  31. jacuzzi bathtubs
  32. pink pink pink
  33. walking my kids to school
  34. great neighbors
  35. cozy comforters
  36. snuggling with Lenny while watching a movie
  37. sharing popcorn with the kids
  38. listening to Jacob and Sarah talk to each other (nicely)
  39. watching all of the neighborhood kids laugh and play outside together
  40. going to lunch
  41. Southern Living at Home..esp the Dress Me Up plate to write on (see Valentine's Day post photo)
  42. pink roses with full fluffy blooms
  43. pink sparkly lipstick
  44. CSI
  45. email
  46. blogs
  47. my new ipod
  48. anything with hearts...especially jewelry
  49. summertime barbeques
  50. quiet times reading
  51. 4th of July block parties
  52. watching Lenny goof with the kids (but not at the table)
  53. watching Lenny take care of his mother....he is SO KIND to her
  54. Slurpees and Pizza on Fridays
  55. my van (or should I say "LOVED" my van)

Things I don't love...... CHOCOLATE. eeehhhhwwww. don't like it.


christy p said...

eoOOOHHHhhh I so love your list. Isn't it fun???? Never heard what happened to your van, huh??? Bummer....

DonnaG said...

No, the van is gone. Booo hoo. Sent in the paperwork, pink slip and keys to the ins company. Should be getting a teeny tiny check any day now.

tjep said...

Hi Donna, what a great idea! I will put that on my blog! Thanks!

MLasch said...

Hey Donna,
I love your list and your entire blog. It's fun reading about your family. You have such an amazing and genuine love for your husband and family and it shows through.