Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A Day at the Beach

Lenny finally got home after being at work for three days. I asked him what he wanted to do and he said "let's go to the beach." So off we went.

We got there and pretty much had the whole beach to ourselves. There were a few people here and there but, when I was a teenager going to the beach, I remember it being packed every day of the summer. Where are all of the people? Probably at home on the computer checking out blogs I suppose. :) Where ever they were, they were not at the beach. The water was great, the weather was beautiful and the food was tasty. We even saw dolphins splashing around.

This girl is sooooo adventurous. She will try anything, taste anything and talk to anyone. She sees the water and immediately strips her shirt and shorts off and is ready to go. Me on the other hand, will take quite a while to test the waters (no pun intended). She let's go with all abandon and jumps right into life. I wish I wish I wish I had her carefree love of life. Maybe it is a kid thing, maybe it is a personality trait but gosh, she just loves life. I am skeptical of everything.

Look at the men in my family. Well, one man and one half of a man. But that lil man is growin' so stinkin' fast that I can hardly keep him in clothes that fit properly. I was excited to see that his wetsuit still fit. Look at his arm. He looks like ElasticBoy from the Incredibles.
No, Lenny is not lost in a moment of praising God, well maybe he is. Maybe he is thanking God that he got into his wetsuit.

I think Lenny is one of the strongest men in the world. Yet, when I see him helping the kids with something, or bending down on one knee to speak to them, or rubbing their back, or working the boy into his wetsuit, it melts me. You have no idea how grateful I am to have this man be the father of my kids. I happen to believe that it takes a very strong man to be tender. So while I was sitting on the beach listening to my iPod, I was watching the kids and their dad. I was listening to one of my all time favorite singers sing one of my most favorite songs. It was Rod Stewart belting out "You're In My Heart." The three of them were in the water splashing, swimming and goofing with each other. In this song, the chorus says

"you're in my heart, you're in my soul,

you'll be my breath when I grow old,

you are my lover, you're my best friend,

you're in my soul."

I see him out there with OUR children and I know that he is gonna be there when I am old. He is gonna be there for everything. God willing, we are going to have a LONG life together. And we are in each other. We are each other, we are not complete without the other. I could not imagine life without him.

I was sobbing uncontrollably as I watched Lenny in the water with Sarah. He was helping her on her board trying to catch a wave. After much success and smiles, she slipped off and fell into water over her head. She was scared and needed her dad. He immediately picked her up and held her until she was ok. I was overcome with gratitude for this man. He sees her need and instantly is there for her. No questions in her mind whether or not he would be there for her. She knew he would be. I could see with my eyes her security and comfort. You see, I didn't have that when I was her age. I didn't have that until I met Lenny. I was always in over my head in the water (both physically and metaphorically). To see him with her, protecting her, loving her, in a sense makes up for it all.

"you're the rhapsody, the comedy,

you are the symphony and a play.

you're every love song every written

but honey, what do you see in me?"

Rod is saying that this person he is singing about is all of these different things. That is what I think about Lenny. He is strong AND tender. He is serious AND comical. He is tough AND merciful. He is sooo perfect YET quite imperfect. He is all kinds of things. Not just one adjective could ever describe him. He is sooo much. Sometimes, I think that God mismatched us. Not because he is not right for me but that I could never be right for him. I do wonder OFTEN "but honey, what do you see in me?"

They are all completely unaware of this moment I am having in my head and heart. I am gushing with emotion. Crying out loud and thanking God for such an undeserved life. Then I hear "MMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM". I look up and Jacob is begging me to come in the water. So I did. I got rid of the iPod and ran out there after him.

I can not stand seaweed. I hate it not because it is sooooo gross but because really, I am afraid of it. I got tangled up in it at the beach when I was a kid and it FREAKED ME OUT. Eeeeeuuuuwwwww it is nasty. So Lenny knows this and he still dresses up like the creature from the black lagoon.

Sarah had just changed out of her bathing suit, we had just gotten all of the sand from all of the places it seems to find, and she finally got her clean and dry clothes on. Then she decides that she has not had enough of the water. She asked if she could get her feet wet. Then it was up to her knees, then well, all was lost and she jumped right in. Oh, well. She wound up wearing a tshirt of Lenny's home. She played hard. She was out in about 5 minutes onto PCH.


MLasch said...

I love your stories and I love how you love your husband. You are an inspiration to us wives!!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Great photos! It sounds like our daughters are a lot alike. Cute. I also love what you wrote about your husband. Very encouraging to hear marriages doing well. I love that! Isnt God good! We have both daughters and my husband is this huge 6'6" guy who plays barbies and dresses up & then goes to work to savel ives so I hear ya' on the gentle giant thing. Loved your post today! Keep em' coming! Love Christy H.

Christy said...

sorry about the "anonymous" above but I am pretty sure this Blog hates me. It wouldnt let me sign in. However it is me Christy H. not "anonymous" wierdo reading your Blog. Well, I can be wierd but thats an entirely different subject! :) Bye for now! Christy H.

tjep said...

Awwwww....my eyes are welling up! I can feel your passion about your husband and your kids, especially as you sat there watched Lenny help Sarah. That feeling of being protected and just knowing that your husband is there for you and the kids. What a gift!

Carmela said...

Wow. There's so much I want to say. I totally hear you about what a HUGE blessing it is to watch our men be dads--these strong, masculine men who are so tender and gentle with our kids. That's exactly how I feel. It just feels SO GOOD to know that they'll protect them and keep them safe at any cost ... and that our kids KNOW that deep down. Priceless.

I absolutely ADORE every single one of your photos. I would have a BLAST scrapping those! So much emotion in each photo. Very inspiring!