Friday, August 10, 2007


I often struggle with my place in life. I sometimes ask the why questions such as Why did you put me HERE? or Why am I what/who I am? And my most pressing question: Why do you want me here?

This morning I was thumbing through a book that I gave my mother many years ago. It is God's Treasure of Virtues. (Yes, I know that the title should be underlined...blogger does not underline.) I read this little poem in the Faithfulness section of the book.

Mind Your Place

Is your place a small place?
Tend it with care!- He set you there.
Is your place a large place?
Guard it with care!- He set you there.
Whate'er your place, it is
Not yours alone, but His
Who set you there.

-John Oxenham (1861-1941)


Debbie said...

Pretty simple statements, but fully loaded!! Thanks for sharing - I've often wondered the same thing, especially not working in a field I went to college for and worked in for over 16 years. Why?? He put me there - I should maintain it because he's there too!!

Rhonda said...

I think we all, or at least I KNOW that I need to be reminded every now and then that "He set us here". And it really doesn't matter why or how. We don't need to know what God knows, we just need to serve Him where he set us. That really is a freeing thing. Thanks for sharing that poem.

Carmela said...

Wow. Puts everything in perspective right away. So easy to forget Who's in charge, and so hard for me to let go and trust completely without understanding the "why."

I was just reading a book this morning that reminded me that my kids aren't really even mine ... they're on loan from God.

tjep said...

That is sooooo gooood! It says alot to me right now. Thank you for sharing it!

Christy said...

Our pastor this morning was reading through Genesis talking about the impact Jacob had on his employer Laban and how he worked for him (really serving Jesus) unselfishly and how that impacted Laban and he saw a difference in Jacob just by his servanthood to him. It made me realize that I often wander from my true purpose in being here and that is to serve Jesus and reflect him in everything I do whether it be raising my girls, serving my husband, loving a diffecult person etc. it all reflects back to my Lord and I want to make him look good. :) So finish strong girl you can do it! :)