Thursday, March 20, 2008

Good Morning

What a wonderful start to the day I am having.

First of all, I went to bed super early last night. My allergies are out of control so I just gave up fighting them and collapsed into bed at 9pm. I must have done me good because I bounded out of bed this morning 45 minutes earlier than normal.

Then when I came out of the bathroom, thinking that all three kids (our houseguest, remember) were still snoozing, I see the kitchen light on. I see Jacob in there, UP and DRESSED FOR SCHOOL, making breakfast for him and his pal. Most mornings I would have to drag him out of bed. He was bright-eyed and eager to get going.

Both boys are completely ready for school, teeth brushed, backpacks ready, outside playing basketball. They have about an hour before we have to leave. What a great way to get the wiggles out before buckling in front of the books.

I am ready for the day. I have already read a great devotional on Passion Week, read quite a bit in the Bible and now I get to talk to you fine folks.

It is going to be a great day!

Happy Thursday everyone!